Welcome to Otaku No Manga! Please leave your sanity at the door, as there will be a new comic every Wednesday. Your brain will be conviniently rotted by Deena, the author. Enjoy.=^.^=

*~ The first comic ~~~ Previous comic ~~~ ~~~ ~*
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Um...oops. I forgot to update ONM yesterday.^.^;; Well, Tuesdays are kinda rough days for me, so I pushed yesterday's update to today and forgot to tell everyone. Whoops.x.x Feel free to throw objects, preferably soft blunt ones, at my brain meats. They're even more mushy than usual these days. Anyway, this week's regular update has been moved to today, and starting next week, ONM will update regularly on Sunday! Horrah! Let them eat cake!=^.^=

*~Past Updates~*

 JAN   February 2005   
The Webcomic List
Otaku No Manga is copyright 2003-2004 by Deena=^.^=, so steal not or ye insides shall be outsides, lest you ask that is.:3
Otaku No Manga is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.